Discovering Stored Treasures

Discovering Genealogy, One Ancestor at a Time.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Friday's Faces from the Past: "Most Entertaining"

(Click to enlarge)

Last year my aunt handed over one of my great-grandmother's album. This particular photograph jumped out immediately, and won the coveted title of "MOST ENTERTAINING" photo my collection.  It's an 8x11 print labeled only, 1927 on the back. I have no idea why it was cropped. My great-grandfather William Bloomfield, took me by surprise when I spotted him on the far right of the top row. He has the funniest mustache and is slumped over, looking quite uncomfortable. When I first saw this picture, I had no idea what it was about. The shoes made me think of an old fashioned basketball team, but that made no sense. What would a 39 year old, asthmatic, William Bloomfield be doing on a basketball team? One of my cousins came to my rescue when she immediately recognized the symbol on the fez.

I have a feeling some of you know the meaning of this outlandish uniform.  I won't give it away quite yet. Today, I'm going to let you guys, my knowledgeable readers, tell the story of this photo.  Feel free to venture a guess! I'll spill the beans soon!

Closeup William Bloomfield

Note: Friday's Faces from the Past is now a daily prompt on Geneabloggers! If you have photos, orphaned or not, you want to write about, join the conversation and start your own Friday's Faces from the Past series!

More from Friday's Faces from the Past series:
Friday's Faces from the Past: Mystery Lady
Friday's Faces From The Past: A Bicycle & A Boy
Friday's Faces From The Past: A Success Story!
Friday's Faces From the Past: Mystery Man
Friday's Faces from the Past: Harrison
Friday's Faces From the Past: Goldie and Bobby Rosenbaum
Friday's Faces From the Past: Julius Burakoff Anyone?


  1. I immediately thought Shriners, but I'm not sure. I'm really curious!

  2. The fez looks like that of the Dramatic Order Knights of Khorassan, part of the Knights of Pythias.

  3. I took a peak at this photograph, figured I'd offer my humble opinion. First of all, the writing at the bottom right "LITTERST COM'L PHOTO CO", a query search yielded archives in Houston, Texas. This leads me to believe that this photo may have been taken outside the Shrine as it would have been in Houston, Texas or a local town near there.
    Hope this helps. : }

    1. Ezri, Thanks for much for looking around! The Houston Library link is fantastic! No one seems to have a photo of the old Arabia Temple. Here is a link to the history of the Arabia Temple:


Thanks for sharing your comments!